How effective are bags for displaying your logo and brand information? Very!
The infographic below provided by Advertising Specialty Institute based on its research shows several positives about using bags for promotional purposes. First notice the low cost per impression of bags. Second and even more powerfully, bags generate more impressions than any other promotional item. People use them and people notice them. On your next visit to the grocery store, observe the variety of bags with company logos. At trade shows, take a look at exhibitor tote bags that end up circulating the show floor and calling attention to their brand.
To inspire you to use bags as promotional products, check out these three case histories of how different companies used tote bags with great effectiveness. How could one of these ideas work for your company?
A resort chain selected the Synergy All-Purpose Tote as an incentive gift to visitors who attended their timeshare presentations. The resort chain filled the tote with sunscreen, lip balm, a towel and a packet of timeshare information in return for 90 minutes of the visitors' time. Visitors used the totes while on vacation, creating a buzz about the timeshares and enticed other visitors to attend the presentations.
In an effort to increase enrollment in its prenatal & birthing classes, an urban hospital provided the Uptown Convertible Diaper Bag Kit as an incentive gift. After attending all 4 classes, the expectant mothers received the bag filled with informational flyers and gift certificates provided by local businesses.
A community event was held to celebrate spring as well as promote local vendors. The Economy Tote was decorated with the logos of local businesses participating in the event, and packed with information sheets on each vendor. Participants used the tote to carry around items purchased at the event and even “pinned” pictures of their tote to share on social media.