This year, the two inductees to the Toy Hall of Fame are the game of Chess and believe it or not, rubber ducks. The rubber duck made it into the Hall before other toy favorites like bubbles, the Magic 8 ball, Nerf toys and even the board game Clue! That's one popular duck.
All kidding aside though, people love rubber ducks and they can be good for business. They certainly bring a smile to your face and get carried home from trade shows.
How can you use these much-beloved items to promote your business? Just be creative. Look for one of the many themed variations to the unadorned duck to tie in with your marketing message and target market.
How about a Graduate duck to promote a school or an upcoming course? Hand them out as giveaways to promote a Graduation Sale. It can also be used to encourage recent graduates to open up an account at a local bank.
There are several rubber duck versions that promote different vocations. So here are some promotional ideas to put the power of the rubber duck to work for your business.
Construction ducks: Use for "Pardon Our Dust" remodeling projects or to announce the building of new homes at a local Chamber of Commerce event.
Doctor ducks are great for all health-related messages for company Wellness Programs or to promote individual health facilities. Use the ducks to promote using your health facility for getting flu shots or other preventative tests.
The heart duck is perfect for a seasonal promotion around Valentine's Day but you can also use it anytime of the year to promote how much you love your customers or would love to do business with your prospects. Will they love your low prices or great service? Let a duck do your talking!
Another seasonal duck is the Angel Duck which can be used to promote "heavenly" desserts or to "Be an Angel; Give Blood."
As you can see, there are many ducks to choose from so contact me to match up the best one to promote your brand and get your unique marketing message across. Give me a call today at 847-398-5500 or email me at
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